Why choose Constantiaberg
Pre-Primary School?

Children are our passion. We love to teach your children and cherish each unique, individual child. Our aim is to help your child grow in confidence and in all areas of development eg.physical, emotional, social and intellectual. We want each child to flourish, not only in Grade one, but in everything they choose to do throughout life. We encourage children to explore the different areas/activities that are set up in the classroom and in the garden, to problemsolve, to be creative, to verbalise their feelings and to develop their social skills.

Our classrooms are spacious and well setup with lots of opportunity for sensory and finemotor development, fantasy, block building, perceptual games, book reading etc. These areavailable to the children at all times enabling them to direct their own learning.
Our garden is a haven for gross motor development and fantasy play with areas such as: the pirate ship, jungle gyms, mud kitchen, petrol station, sand pits, swings and roadways for bikes and go carts etc. Manners and respect are promoted at all times and children are encouraged to take care of their environment by looking after the plants in the garden, feeding the fish in the pond and loving the guinea pigs.

The transition from home to school can be difficult for some children. At the drop off zone children are welcomed and greeted each morning and made to feel happy and safe. Those who are confident enough to walk into school without a parent will be guided towards their classroom by a teacher /assistant where they will be greeted and welcomed and guided to pack their bag in their locker and then helped to choose an activity or area that excites them and is of interest to them, so that they can explore, grow and have fun. (Parents are always welcome to help settle their child in at school)

Our classes
Treat each child as an individual
Encourage children to grow in confidence, self-esteem and independence
Ensure children, staff and parents have a good understanding of healthy lifestyles
Promote a brighter future for us all by developing the potential of the children, parents, staff and community
Our Aims
Provide a welcoming environment where every person matters
Promote individual care and attention which is made possible by a high ratio of adults to children
Enable children to form positive and trusting relationships with their peers and with adults
Provide experiences for children to explore and learn from
Ensure children feel safe and secure in our care
Provide high quality care and education for all children at our Pre-School
Work with parents and value their contribution
Nurture your child’s social and emotional skills
Offer young children the opportunity to make friends and become independent, ready for their big step into school
Provide a range of learning opportunities which support the development of each individual child
Offer a specially tailored progressive programme
Our school programme
Our educational Programme, which is theme based, offers a holistic learning experience for your child. We offer play based learning opportunities that encourage independence, curiosity, exploration and discovery.
The following skills: sensory, motor, intellectual, linguistic, emotional and social, are taught in a fun and engaging manner both indoors and outdoors. Teachers specializing in music, movement, exercise, drama and language and listening skills form part of our weekly enrichment programme. Through Micro groups, teacher directed rings and activities, as well as children directed activities, our programme prepares your child for primary school.
3-4 yr programme:
Focus is on creating an environment that allows the children to feel loved and safe at school
(like they are at home) enabling them to trust us so that with you, their parents, we can help
them develop socially and emotionally. We help them to identify and recognise the different
emotions and feelings that they have, to verbalise their feelings and to practice good
behaviour and manners. This is all done in a non threatening age appropriate way through
singing, role play and stories.
4-5 year programme:
Consolidation of all learning that took place in 3-4 yr programme and continued learning in
all areas to ensure a good foundation for grade R curriculum
Grade R:
Consolidation of all learning that took place in the 4-5 year group and continued learning in
all areas to ensure children are school ready.